Results for 'Liliana Beatríz Sosa Compeán'

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  1. En busca de nosotros mismos. Acerca de la necesidad de la sabiduría para el hombre de Hoy.Liliana Beatríz Irizar - 2007 - Escritos 15 (35):280-297.
    En medio de una sociedad que nos invita constantemente a la extroversión, cabe preguntarnos si el encuentro con nosotros mismos a través de una actitud “interior” y reflexiva no puede representar un factor clave para detener, en alguna medida, el proceso de deshumanización que descompone a Occidente.
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  2. Ley natural y praxis social virtuosa en Santo Tomás de Aquino.Eduardo Mancipe Flechas & Liliana Beatriz Irizar - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 14:63-72.
    En el presente trabajo, enmarcado dentro de una consideración antropológico-ética de las virtudes sociales, nos proponemos mostrar el desarrollo de Santo Tomás de Aquino en torno al concepto de objeto de una acción, el cual presta a ésta su cualidad moral de ser una virtud o un vicio y la relación existente entre el sentido objetivo del obrar social humano y la ley natural.
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    La noción de derecho en "Los seis libros de la justicia y el derecho" de Luis de Molina.Beatriz Eugenia Sosa Morato & Luis de Molina - 1985 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Sobre el ejercicio del filosofar, y su enseñanza, como teoría y práctica en las diferencias.Liliana Guzmán & Paola Sosa Gauna - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-9.
    Describimos en este texto el modo de abordaje de la enseñanza de la Filosofía en la UNSL desde la articulación con prácticas de docencia, investigación y extensión en torno a la inquietud del filosofar. Distinguimos previamente los encuadres teóricos que sostienen la propuesta y presentamos el dispositivo de enseñanza desde una puesta en obra dinámica de la noción de teoría como “caja de herramientas” (Foucault, Deleuze). Comprendemos esta experiencia de enseñanza como una convocatoria dinámica a filosofar, como una propuesta de (...)
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    La noción de derecho en "Los seis libros de la justicia y el derecho" de Luis de Molina.Sosa Morato & Beatriz Eugenia - 1985 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  6. How competence matters in epistemology.Ernest Sosa - 2010 - Philosophical Perspectives 24 (1):465-475.
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  7. How Must Knowledge Be Modally Related to What Is Known?Ernest Sosa - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 26 (1-2):373-384.
  8. (1 other version)Mind-body interaction and supervenient causation.Ernest Sosa - 1984 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 9 (1):271-81.
    The mind-body problem arises because of our status as double agents apparently en rapport both with the mental and with the physical. We think, desire, decide, plan, suffer passions, fall into moods, are subject to sensory experiences, ostensibly perceive, intend, reason, make believe, and so on. We also move, have a certain geographical position, a certain height and weight, and we are sometimes hit or cut or burned. In other words, human beings have both minds and bodies. What is the (...)
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  9. (2 other versions)Knowing full well: the normativity of beliefs as performances.Ernest Sosa - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 142 (1):5-15.
    Belief is considered a kind of performance, which attains one level of success if it is true (or accurate), a second level if competent (or adroit), and a third if true because competent (or apt). Knowledge on one level (the animal level) is apt belief. The epistemic normativity constitutive of such knowledge is thus a kind of performance normativity. A problem is posed for this account by the fact that suspension of belief seems to fall under the same sort of (...)
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  10. Dubious assertions.David Sosa - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 146 (2):269 - 272.
    The knowledge account of assertion—roughly: one should not assert what one does not know—aspires to identify the norm distinctive of assertion. One main argument given in support of the knowledge account has been the success with which it explains a variety of Moore-paradoxical assertion. But that explanation does not generalize satisfactorily.
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  11. Epistemic Agency.Ernest Sosa - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (11):585-605.
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    Fregean reference defended.Ernest Sosa - 1995 - Philosophical Issues 6:91-99.
    What is involved in acquiring a russellian proposition (x, φ) as content of an attitude: what does it take for one to acquire such an attitude de re? How do we gain access to x itself so as to be able to have (x, φ) as content of our thought?
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    Methodology and Apt belief.Ernest Sosa - 1988 - Synthese 74 (3):415 - 426.
    The theory of knowledge has two sides - epistemology and a bridge to join them: that a belief is justified if and only if obtained by appropriate use of an adequate organon - a principle of theoretical epistemology requiring an organon or manual of practical methodology. Such organon justification is internalist. (How could one ever miss one's source for it?) But it leads briskly to skepticism on pain of regress or circularity - or so it is argued in section 1. (...)
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  14. Epistemology, realism, and truth: The first philosophical perspectives lecture.Ernest Sosa - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:1-16.
    Truth centered epistemology puts truth at the center in more ways than one. For one thing, it makes truth a main cognitive goal of inquiry. For another, it explains other main epistemic concepts in terms of truth. Knowledge itself, for example, is explained as belief that meets certain other conditions, among them being true. And a belief is said to be rationally or epistemically justified or apt, which it must be in order to be knowledge, only if it derives from (...)
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  15. Modal and Other A Priori Epistemology: How Can We Know What is Possible and What Impossible?Ernest Sosa - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38 (S1):1-16.
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    On Epistemic Explanations: Response to Two Critics.Ernest Sosa - 2022 - Res Philosophica 99 (4):475-483.
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    Index.Ernest Sosa - 2010 - In Knowing Full Well. Princeton University Press. pp. 161-163.
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  18. Intuitions and foundations : the relevance of Moore and Wittgenstein.Ernest Sosa - 2013 - In Albert Casullo & Joshua C. Thurow (eds.), The a Priori in Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
  19. Internal Foundations or Eaternal Virtues?Ernest Sosa - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (3):761-773.
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    (1 other version)La “cédula real de los Amaycha”. Contextualización, análisis y transcripción de un documento controversialThe “Amaychas´s Royal Decree” Contextualization, analysis and transcription of a controversial document.Jorge Sosa - 2015 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 5 (1).
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    On our knowledge of matters of fact.Ernest Sosa - 1974 - Mind 83 (331):388-405.
    The traditional conception of knowledge as justified true belief has collapsed under weighty objections. Some of these are well known; but others, though equally weighty and puzzling, have attracted comparatively little attention, and still demand careful study. Only through such study can we approach correct understanding of propositional knowledge.
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    La ética calicleana.Javier Echeñique Sosa - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):11-28.
    El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una reconstrucción de la teoría ética presentada por Calicles en el Gorgias de Platón, con el apoyo de otros textos de la época que contribuyen a explicardicha teoría y a refinarla. El primer paso de esta reconstrucción es mostrar que Calicles ofrece una teoría perspectivista de los juicios morales, de acuerdo a la cual los juicios morales pueden emitirsedesde dos perspectivas radicalmente distintas – la perspectiva contractual, y la natural. El segundo esmostrar que (...)
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    Imagery and Imagination.Ernest Sosa - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):485-499.
    1. Sensa and propositional experience. 2. An option between propositions and properties (as objects or contents of sensory experience). 3. The property option and adverbialism. 4. Sensa as images, images as intentionalia. 5. Do we refer directly to sensa? 6. Focusing and the supervenience of images and our reference to them: a question raised. 7. Internal and external properties of images and characters. Strict vistas introduced. 8. A correction on strict vistas. 9. Focusing and experience: the question answered. 10. Conclusion.
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    Imperatives and Referential Opacity.Ernest Sosa - 1966 - Analysis 27 (2):49 - 52.
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    Heidegger y la admiración en su traducción de Aristóteles en las lecciones de verano de 1922.Francisco Gabriel Ruiz Sosa - 2024 - Studia Heideggeriana 13:77-97.
    Este artículo aborda el papel que juega la “admiración” en la traducción heideggeriana de tres pasajes de la Metafísica de Aristóteles. Con base en el volumen 62 de la Gesamtausgabe, se muestra que la “admiración” se relaciona con tres temas fundamentales, a saber: el mundo, la vida y la comprensión. En primer lugar, analizo el tema del mundo compartido y del mundo circundante. En segundo lugar, describo el tema de la vida, la cual es interpretada como “premura insoslayable” y “clara (...)
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  26. Ontology, Understanding, and the A Priori.Ernest Sosa - 2003 - Ratio 16 (2):178-188.
    How might one explain the reliability of one's a priori beliefs? What if anything is implied about the ontology of a certain realm of knowledge by the possibility of explaining one's reliability about that realm? Very little, or so it is argued here.
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    Consideraciones en torno a la atribución del concepto de "destino" a Heráclito en los testimonios doxográficos.Liliana Carolina Sánchez Castro - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 46 (117):19-28.
    El presente texto pretende analizar el concepto de 'destino' atribuido a Heráclito por ciertos autores de la antigüedad a la luz de los fragmentos del corpus heraclíteo y la doxografía disponibles. Se pretende mostrar la pertinencia de leer a los filósofos presocráticos, como Heráclito de Éfeso, en un contexto enriquecido por fragmentos y material textual de otras clases (doxografía, reminiscencias y paráfrasis) a fin de ofrecer una explicación para la atribución del término ειμαρμεν-eta o su correspondiente en latín 'fatum', al (...)
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    Experience and intentionality.Ernest Sosa - 1986 - Philosophical Topics 14 (1):67-83.
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    Interoceptive impairments do not lie at the heart of autism or alexithymia.Toby Nicholson, David M. Williams, Catherine Grainger, Julia F. Christensen, Beatriz Calvo-Merino & Sebastian B. Gaigg - unknown
    Quattrocki and Friston (2014) argued that abnormalities in interoception—the process of representing one’s internal physiological states—could lie at the heart of autism, because of the critical role interoception plays in the ontogeny of social-affective processes. This proposal drew criticism from proponents of the alexithymia hypothesis, who argue that social-affective and underlying interoceptive impairments are not a feature of autism per se, but of alexithymia (a condition characterized by difficulties describing and identifying one’s own emotions), which commonly co-occurs with autism. Despite (...)
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    Collaborative Research in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Evidence From 5 Years of US-Russian Research Cooperation.Thomas Wolfgang Thurner & Liliana Proskuryakova - 2013 - Journal of Research Practice 9 (1):Article M4.
    We reviewed the output of research and innovation cooperation between Russia and the US, including publications and patents, in the four prospective areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy during 2007-2011. Joint US-Russia research groups appear to focus primarily on hydrogen energy (fuel cells), followed by solar photovoltaics. The upcoming areas of smart grid and biofuels were left out entirely both from research and innovation collaboration. Russian patents in green energy technologies registered in the US are very low in comparison (...)
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  31. Getting clear on the concept.David Sosa - 1998 - Philosophical Issues 9:317-322.
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    María Zambrano: pensadora de nuestro tiempo.González Ulloa Aguirre, Pablo Armando, Díaz Sosa & Christian Eduardo (eds.) - 2009 - México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Plaza y Valdés.
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    El desarrollo personal en el proceso de crecimiento individual.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias & Carla Liliana Villa Montoya - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Tópicos de la nueva ensayística filosófica y literaria en México.Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos, Gerardo Valencia Guerrero, Arita Watanabe & Beatriz Yasuko (eds.) - 2016 - Culiacán de Rosales, Sinaloa, México: Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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    Frecuencia de factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama en una unidad de atención primaria.Guerra-Castañón Carlos Daniel, Avalos de la Tejera Maricarmen, González-Pérez Brian, Salas-Flores Ricardo & Sosa-López María Lucero - 2013 - El Dilema de la Enseñanza 27 (1):9.
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    Metafísica e história.Ernani Maria Fiori, Maria Sieczkowska Mascarello, Otilia Beatriz Fiori Arantes & Maria Tereza Papaléo - 1987 - Porto Alegre-RS: L&PM Editores. Edited by Maria Sieczkowska Mascarello, Maria Tereza Papaléo & Otilia Beatriz Fiori Arantes.
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    Formación continua en centros de FP y actividades de innovación en las Pymes industriales.Cristina Lavía, Mikel Olazaran, Eneka Albizu & Beatriz Otero - 2012 - Arbor 188 (753):153-170.
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    A Novel Third Wave Contextual Approach of Positive Behavior Support in School for Adolescent at High Psychosocial Risk: Rationale, Feasibility, and First Pilot Outcomes.Flavia Marino, Ilaria Crimi, Cristina Carrozza, Chiara Failla, Stefania Trusso Sfrazzetto, Paola Chilà, Marilla Bianco, Antonino A. Arnao, Gennaro Tartarisco, Angelo Cavallaro, Liliana Ruta, David Vagni & Giovanni Pioggia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  39. La fundamentación de la eticidad democrática en el pensamiento de Albrecht Wellmer: Una perspectiva desde Latinoamérica.Edgardo Pérez & Beatriz Carrancio - 2007 - A Parte Rei 50:13.
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  40. La educación en la Constitución de Cádiz. Una revisión desde la perspectiva de Gramsci.María Antonia Ribón Seisdedos & Beatriz Pérez González - 2012 - Aposta 55:4.
    El artículo trata de aplicar las concepciones gramscianas al estudio de la primera constitución española. En el análisis se observan cuestiones relacionadas con la educación y los grupos hegemónicos intentando aportar nuevos datos tras la interpretación.
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    Editorial: Brain-Behaviour Interfaces in Linguistic Communication.Olga Shcherbakova, Andriy Myachykov, Beatriz Martín-Luengo & Yury Shtyrov - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Casius Longinus’ Ars Rhetorica and the commentary to the Timaeus: testimonies of Plato’s reception in Late Antiquity.Liliana Carolina Sánchez Castro - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 19:207-235.
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    Derecho de memoria y búsqueda de la verdad: Un estudio comparativo entre Brasil y Uruguay.Ana Maria Sosa Gonzalez & Maria Leticia Mazzucchi Ferreira - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (3).
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    Duncan Pritchard: Epistemic Angst: Radical Skepticism and the Groundlessness of Our Believing.Ernest Sosa - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (10):563-569.
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    Epistemic doubt and affective certainty: counting homotransphobia in Brazil.Joseph Jay Sosa - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (1):95-117.
    Statistics circulate with ambivalence in governance settings and mass publics—both extolled as authoritative knowledge and the object of distrustful scrutiny. In the field of human rights activism, where the means to create authoritative knowledge operates asymmetrically between activists, organizations, and state actors, this makes statistical production and circulation subject to an intense politics of knowledge. LGBTI human rights actors in Brazil, for instance, constantly produce numbers that endeavor to make homophobia and transphobia epistemically and affectively real to various audiences. From (...)
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    G. E. Moore (1873–1958).Ernest Sosa - 2001 - In Aloysius Martinich & David Sosa (eds.), A companion to analytic philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 45–56.
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    Imagery and Imagination.Ernest Sosa - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):485-499.
    1. Sensa and propositional experience. 2. An option between propositions and properties (as objects or contents of sensory experience). 3. The property option and adverbialism. 4. Sensa as images, images as intentionalia. 5. Do we refer directly to sensa? 6. Focusing and the supervenience of images and our reference to them: a question raised. 7. Internal and external properties of images and characters. Strict vistas introduced. 8. A correction on strict vistas. 9. Focusing and experience: the question answered. 10. Conclusion.
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    La inducción analítica como método sociológico desde una perspectiva histórica.Andrea Sosa - 2019 - Cinta de Moebio 64:11-30.
    Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar la inducción analítica como método científico de investigación, es decir, como modo válido de hacer ciencia. En 1934, su creador, el filósofo y sociólogo Florian Znaniecki, afirmó que este era el método que debía ser adoptado en toda investigación sociológica. Su relevancia radica en que se propone encontrar explicaciones globales de los fenómenos sociales a partir de la utilización de técnicas cualitativas de investigación. Aquí adopto una perspectiva histórica que permite inscribir su (...)
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    Lógica y Moral: posibilidades y limitaciones. Comentarios sobre la obra de Georg Henrik von Wright.Nicolás Martín Sosa - 1979 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 6:169-186.
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  50. Mediational Fields and Dynamic Situated Senses.Carlos Mario Márquez Sosa - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:51-72.
    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notions of mediational fields and dynamic situated senses as a way to identify the structure of experiences, thoughts and their relations. To reach this purpose I draw some lessons from the debate between Dreyfus and McDowell about the structure of experience, from Cussins’s conception of mediational contents, and from Evans’s account of singular senses. I notice firstly that McDowell’s answer to Dreyfus consists in developing a practical and demonstrative notion of the (...)
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